thays a
bridge over in brooklyn that mayhap ye dun herd bout. tiz a beeyooty. heres a pitcher of how it looks whenever yer jes steppin onto it ...
member them prossecutin atturneys that wuz fired? twuz
jes fer performants. ifn ye bleeve that, ye kin buy that bridge.
tiz a good bridge, with views of the statchew of liberty way off in the distunts, witch i aint sayin liberty gittin so small aint no metafor fer nuthin ...
them same
prossecutin atturneys wudnt fired on a counta pallticks, nor fer not heppin them publicans win eleckshuns by investigatin voter fraud whar thay wudnt nun, witch thats a nuthern ye need to bleeve ifn ye wonta buy that bridge.
but that bridge is wurth it! ye kin see how tiz useful fer carryin traffick from brooklyn over to man hattan or vice uh versa ...
n corse, dint
alberto gonzalez have nuthin to do with the firin of them atturneys neether, on a counta how hes a
grate atturney general of these here united states, witch i real eyes the list of thangs ye gut to bleeve is long.
but tiz a grate bridge ye kin buy ifn ye kin jes bleeve it all. ye git grate views of famus bildins into the bargain! that thar woolworth bildin, fer instunts, witch tiz a worl class beeyooty ...
karl rove dint have nuthin to do with firin them atturneys on a counta everthang he duz is pure pallticks n thay wudnt nuthin pallitickull bout them firins, witch ifn ye bleeve everthang up to now ye wood shorely bleeve that since ye wood bleeve innythang.
sides that, tiz a bridge that brangs folks frum all over, even film makers ...
finely, it goes without sayin that mr bush
dint have nuthin, i reepeat, nuthin to do with it. not atall
that bridge is well cunstructed,
even bettern sum lies that sum folks tells, n taint lackly to fall apart n i have herd ye kin git it fer about a hundert dollars, ifn ye kin bleeve ...
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I think I have bought that bridge before. The deed in in the mail, I am sure of it.
I really like that photo with the motion blur!! :-)
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