Friday, June 20, 2003

war on sum drugs

Lack everbidy knows, thay's been this war agoin on gainst sum of the drugs that aint advertized on tv or in noospapers n such.

spose tis a good thang to have a war gainst the drugs ye dont want folks usin. n spose tis a good thang to have ads tryin to get em to buy drugs that ye do want em to use.

so tis purty plane we's sposed to be takin drugs longs thar made by drug cumpnies, n thats a good thang since thay test the qualty n make sartin nobidy gets bad drugs. fda looks em over n tests em n makes sure thay does more good than ill

corse, thay cud by side eefecks, pendin on the drug: sucide, egstreme agitashun, hostilty, agression, withdrawl, hed ake, nausha, diereeuh, futeeg, dry mouth, diznes, vomting, constpashun, rash, gas, nos bleeds, infeckshuns, n such lack

n a'corse, taint the same with drugs thats ill eagle. thays niver testd n cant speck to have as minny side eefecks. but thay got thar own problums.


long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to decide on puretee

long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to decide on strangth

long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to decide on marketing practices

long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to decide on wuther ye kin sell to kids

long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to cash in on the huge untaxt profits frum drugs

long as drugs is ill eagle only crimnulls gets to decide how to reglate thar industry (perteck thar terrtory)

dont git me rong: i aint asayin we shud legulize em cawz i aint silly nuff to claim i know the answer to much of innythang. ye might not kin bleev it, but i cud spel oncet pon a time befor the evil weed ruint my mind, er well, not ackshully ruint but speck ye cud say smokin reefer did git me to thanking bout thangs whenever i wuz too yung to understan whatever twas i was athankin bout cuz heres the cunundrum i cum pone rite away

i mean, consider this here logic: i wuz so dum that i figgered whenever if begun smokin the stuff that since i didnt go crazy or fergit how to remember or lose my will to live or quit awurkin like i'd dun bin promised by antidrug progrums then mayhap thay wuz a lyin bout tother drugs that friens n crimnulls was asellin.

kin ye magine? i wuz so dum that i figgert sum kinda way that the sellers wuz bein more honest than the gummint since i didnt pull up crazy or lose my memry or lose my will to live or my motivashun to wurk, tho the evil drug did seem to make me listn more careful-lack to musick n wont to eat everthang in site

fack is, the hole time i wuz in college i wuz under the spel of theevil weed, jes a'smokin't ever day n stil a'gettin strate A's on my portcard n a'larnin uther langwidges lack germun n spansh n so furth, so ye kin magine how confust i wuz since whut i wuz tole dint match up with whut wuz ackshully happnin to me

so course whenever them friens n crimnulls tole me i wuz lied to bout sum them other drugs lack fer egzample lsd or coke or whutever, seemt lack thay wuz the ones telln the truth n i fell fer it

jes magine: i uset to cud spell thangs

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