Friday, April 13, 2007

pitchers tuck by buddy don: Stienes at East West Yoga Books

yesterdy evenin i had to good fortchun to attend an eevent at East West Books on the topick of Reiki, witch tiz a form of healin that has dun give me a heap of hep in livin with migraines. the eevent wuz The Healing Art of Reiki: Discussion and Book-Sigining with Frans n Bronwen Stiene.

twuz a verr eeclecktick bunch of folk that cum to here the talk n i tuck sum pitchers.

heres bronwen splainin bout the Stienes' long oddussee in search of the truth bout reiki (they gut em a shelf of books they dun writ, but ye kin find out bout all that a'usin google since i aint gut much time this mornin) ...

they shar most all the wurk of thar teachin n publishin bizness. frans duz a lot of the teachin, witch he had this audients in the palm of his hand ...

them Stienes sined em sum books after the publick speakin wuz dun ...

the hole thang wuz organized by the reiki meet up group, witch a lady name of Jackie keeps that thang a'goin. shes the one in the foreground ...

the eevent wuz held at East West Books, witch that quz made possibull by a lady name of Dayna ...

ifn ye ever git the chants to be on the receivin end of the sum reiki, ye orta take it. tiz sublime.

ifn ye wonta larn ye more bout reiki, ye couldnt do much bettern to git ye sum of the books that them Stienes has writ, witch they gut em a website name of The International House of Reiki thats worl famous. heres a pitcher of the two of em together ...

(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

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