thays lots of folks that argue bout whuther amurka has a natcherul relijun, witch it mite not be natcherul, but thays a relijun everbidy lacks to practiss, even ifn we dont lack to add mitt tiz our mane relijun: gittin n spendin.
tuther day durin lunch i tuck a lil walk up to the mane cathedrull of that relijun, the new york stock eggschange. thay had dun gatherd a slew of worshippers to watch the show, witch so happend that thay wuz a dance troop doin the hole histry of the eggschange rite thar in frunt of everbidy.
as ye kin see, the altar of that grate amurkin relijun is verr impressive ...
folks cums out to watch the sale-a-brayshun ...
gittin n spendin kin be a hungry bizness, witch thays sum smart folks that knows how that stock eggschange kin be a good place to turn a dollar sellin lunch to folks that cums to worship ...
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