i wuz wunderin why i dint have as minny pitchers up on the smugmug gallery whar im a'keepin all them ireland pitchers, so i gut to lookin round on my portabull hard drive n found a slew of em i had dun missd. tiz amazin how hard tiz to git thru over 1,500 of em!
so heres sum frum a lil boat trip down the river shannon that wuz tuck the day after the weddin. fer one thang, twuz a bit of a sprize to me how lil thay wuz to see. fer the most part, twuz jes reeds n swans n mayhap a tree or two risin up frum the dead flat planes along the banks of that thar river. heres a cuple of tipicull pitchers:
corse, thay wuz sum other river traffick ...
... n lack everbidy in ireland, they wuz rite nayborly ...
the hi lite of the trip wuz whenever we cum to a place name of shannons bridge, whar we all gut out to stretch our laigs n git a bite to eat. i dint git no good pitchers to cum out of that bridge, but thays wuz a lil bevy of swans that wonted to git thar pitchers tuck, witch heres a cuple of em ...
corse, the boat had to have a captin, witch this feller lives on his boat n had truble once upon a time whenever he had to have his boat fixed, forcin im to live on land, whar he couldnt git no sleep on a counta twuz too still fer im ...
the bride n groom had dun plannd everthang out to whar whenever we enterd the pub whar we et, the food wuz thar a'waitin fer us ... n on top of that, thay wuz a yung lady that cum to sang us a cuple songs, witch i regret no gittin her name on a counta she could turn into a star sumday ...
whenever i found these here pitchers, i discuverd a bunch of otherns that i will half to uplode. dont know whuther i kin postem since i dont lack to putt pitchers up of fambly members ... but i woodnt be sprized ifn thay wuz sum goodns that i kin post, so mayhap thays more on the way.
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1 comment:
Buddy Don, it's been far too long since I've been by to visit (life's been gettin' in the way) but I'm gonna take some time today to visit your Smugmug and look at your Ireland photos. I know you must have had a great trip and your photography is awesome so I'm surely in for a treat!
Hope you and Mrs. BD have a great weekend!
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