Friday, August 31, 2007

pitchers tuck by buddy don: a garden grows in staten island

thays a garden over in staten island that ye caint fine the lack of nowhars else here in amurka on a counta tiz a chinese skolars garden. tiz a place bilt fer contemplayshun n meditayshun. me n miz bd wood bild us one ifn we wuz to win the lottery or sumthin, witch that aint lackly, so thisn is a'gone half to do ...

one thang different bout it is how tiz all enclozed in walls ...

ye kin fine all kindsa lil nooks n crannies ...

... witch ye kin walk rite into em sos ye kin sit n meditate or contemplate thangs ...

everwhar ye turn, thays a purty vue

(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)


Anne Johnson said...

Might be Chaanese, but I thank I see the Salmon of Wisdum in that thar sprang.

RubyShooZ said...

That really is purty. I'd love to visit but it's in Staten Island? Guess I'll just have to enjoy the photos. Thanks. Peace today.

~ RS ~