inf i wuz to see this feller ...
... scoutin the corners of our apartmint, i couldnt be no more sprized. i gut a email frum a deesigner who wonted to know whuther she could use one of the pitchers i dun posted on this here site ... n she wuz offern money fer the privlidge!
but even bettern wontin to buy the rite to use one of my images wuz how she splaind the need fer images lack i take n places whar ye kin putt em sos more deesigners kin find em. fack is nigh onto 90% of the traffick this site gits is on a counta the pitchers on it, so ...
mayhap i will putt sum of my pitchers in such places as
who knew folks wood pay fer pitchers i caint resist takin innyway?
(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)
Congrats. The requests I got to use pics on my site were always something like,"Can I use your pic? If I can't I'll just use someone elses". And no compensation offered of course.
You are so lucky to have found someone with class. Y'all deserve the honor, BD. Your pitchers rock. But I must admit I visit yer site fer the pomes, so don't stop ritin.
You are so dynamic, sir. Your photos are awesome! Your writing and teaching are nothing to ignore either.
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