Saturday, March 29, 2008

pitchers tuck by buddy don: tuck durin our trip to jersey city

yesterdy me n miz bd tuck the path train to journal square over in jersey city sos we could git our drivers licents updated ere they eggspired. we had to have forty leven differnt forms of eye-dee incloodin our passports n soshul scurty cards n proof that we live whar we do. but whenever we gut over thar, twuz all over in under fifteen mints! i couldnt hardly bleeve how good they gut it all plannd out.

it wuz over so quick that it give me a chants to take a cuple pitchers, startin with a statchew miz bd shown me, witch as ye kin planely see, tiz jackie robinson ...

thay wuz a plack that eggsplaind bout the statchew n jackie robinson ...

we tuck the path train back home ...

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