i know taint po-light to ast folks to vote fer yer pitchers, but i wonta ast ye to doot innyways. i joind a lil community name of dpreview over on smugmug n putt a gallery of subway pitchers on it. ifn ye wood be so kind as to go over thar n rate them pitchers, witch ye do that by holdin yer mouse over the pitcher till ye kin see a green thumbs up n a red thumbs down. i am hopin ye wood click the green thumbs up on the ones ye lack, ifn thays inny of em ye do.
ye kin git thar by clickin on this pitcher, witch tiz one of em in that gallery ...
(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life...
16 hours ago
I voted for that one with the lil gal smilin up at her seatmate. I do truly love that one. If you put the fish on, they'll all get thumbs up. I just din have time to go thru everthang.
Shoot bd you need not beg just point us where you want to show off your work and you will come out the winner. That is some classic people watchin' you have captured. Awesome job of composing a ballanced shot in a fast paced environment.
Excellent work, Buddy Don! I especially like the one moon hanging in the night sky over the ship.
Dang, buddy don ...
You wuz in my neck o' the woods?
I take that train a lot. Know the whole line by heart.
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