Friday, August 13, 2004

pinions of buddy don: thangs that make a hillbilly wunder

durin his time of miltary servus, one man dint do nuthin but train ceptn fer bout four munths or so when he dint seem to show up even fer trainin, sartinly not fer his physicull. tuthern in his time of miltary servus dint do nuthin but train ceptn fer bout four munths he spent in the line of fire in viet nam. our librul medya seems to be obsessed with the four munths in viet nam. whut's the truth?

one man spent most of his furst forty years drankin n runnin one cumpny after a nuthern into the ground. tuthern spent the same time servin as prosecuter n senator. is this hypocriticull?

one of em sez
  • he woodnt never use our troops as nayshun bilders, then sends em to bild nayshuns in afghanistan n iraq;
  • sez he wont support a 9/11 commission, then duz support it;
  • sez he wont testify befor the 9/11 commisshun but then sez he kin chat with em long as he kin have his veep thar n caint be recorded n caint nobidy take no notes;
  • claims to be callin fer a era of personull responsibilty, then sez he kin chat with that thar 9/11 commisshun long as he kin have his veep thar n caint be recorded n caint nobidy take no notes;
  • sez he wont support a homeland security dierecktor, then he duz;
  • sez he wont allow his nashunull securty dierecktor to testify, then he duz;
  • sez stem cells is livin humans n then sez tiz ok to use sum of em fer resurch (on the theory, i reckun, that taint as much of a sin to murder only a few times n not a lot);
  • sez life begins at concepshun, but dont do nuthin to keep in vitro fertilizayshun frum bein allowd, witch thatn means deestruckshun fer hunderds of thousunds of unused fertilized zygotes;
  • sez he dont wonta let gummint grow, then grows it with moren a million new fedrul jobs n a gigantick new medicare drugs benefit fedrul entitlement progrum
librul medya lets his campain git away with callin tuthern a flip flopper.

ole hillbilly gits to whar he caint hardly stand the hipockrussy of it all n wishes he could quit pain a tenchun toot. but then he wakes up n no matter whut he sed the day before, flip flops his ownself n starts readin the papers, hopin fer sumbidy to make him bleeve in the medya agin.

he orta know bettern that by now. the medya will serve thar owners.

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