tiz easy to wurry bout the nex generayshun when one of em is yourn. ye caint hep but hope them yunguns will grow up to be able to take keer of tharself n even to brang up sum yunguns of thar own.
thangs turnt out purty good on that frunt ...
You are beginning to make me want one Buddy.
Those pictures are wonderful. Everybody has sparkling eyes!
buddy don n everthang he ever rites is all made up stuff. inny resemblunts to reel peeple is jes blind luck on the part of buddy don, witch hes the author
You are beginning to make me want one Buddy.
Those pictures are wonderful. Everybody has sparkling eyes!
tiz hard to have innythang but sparklin eyes round that yungun. i speck ye wood find the same thang to be true of yourn, ifn yer ever so lucky!
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