but i caint hardly git a nuff of these pitchers of lil ezekiel, so heres a few more, witch he wont crawl but tries to walk, doin a purrfeck 'downward facin dog' fer them amung ye that knows yer yoga, n he knows his legs is good fer sumthin, so whenever ye putt em on the ground, he cummences to jump up n down (long as yer holdin im).
after jumpin, he lacks to look at his granny, witch that wood be mz bd ...
he also lacks to investigate thangs, such as miz bds necklace
the necklace has bin sumthin of a good luck charm fer us, so mz bd splaind that n purty soon he wuz sayin 'good luck', witch dint nobidy else here eem say it ceptn fer mz bd n me (thonly other thang he has sed yet is 'da da da'). mz bd splaind that we dont eat our good luck, but ezekiel dint cumpleatly agree ...
These pictures are makin' my wife want a grandbaby Buddy Don.
And I am still scared to death.
taint nuthin to fear ceptn everthang! i never knew thay could be such joy in this world.
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