Wednesday, February 04, 2009

pomes of buddy don: Less Than Half?

Less Than Half?
Our military spending is in danger!
I heard it on the TV news last night.
It’s strange to hear, but what is even stranger:
Too little increased spending is the plight!

Can we protect ourselves when spending slips
Down to a mere 48 percent
Of all bucks spent on bombers, tanks and ships
In the whole world by those who represent

Other nations that aren’t even ours,
Such as Europe, where 1 of five is spent
Of every Euro to buy lethal power?
Or China, who account for 8 percent?

We must not rest while we spend less than half
Of all spent on the war god’s golden calf.
pall gies fer not postin nuthin yesterdy, but i wuz in migraine hell fer the fourth strate day. odd thang is, i gut to feelin a lil better once the snow started a'fallin yesterdy afternoon.

do i need to heckle ye bout buyin yer copy of shoot the devil? i am bettin ye wont be sorry ifn ye git ye one. all orders ackcepted, ever book sined n chopped n all waka idees will be used, no matter how challengin they mite git.

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