Always Look on the Bright Side of Life...
5 hours ago
One need not travel
The earth’s far places to quench
The lust to wander:
Any lake, mountain or stream
Is a cosmos to explore.
No Baritone need
Play villain in life’s opera,
Though easy fame be tempting,
Corruption ubiquitous:
Choose heroic roles and soar.
In darkest hours,
The new day concealed by shade,
I wonder what comes,
Whether pain, love, even death —
All hopes and fears possible.
Is that snow upon
My head, my cheeks? Those gray white
Hairs? Reminders that,
However much I dread it,
Life’s cold winter approaches?
The heart is the forge
In which we temper passion,
Purge impurities,
And steel our inner resolve
To return hatred with love.
i wuz lyin in my own coffin, witch thay wuz a slew of folks fixin to sprankle dirt over it. fer sum reason, thay wudnt no top on the coffin. i wuz trine to let everbidy know how thay must a bin a horribull miss take a counta i wudnt dead yet! twuz one of them dream sitchewayshuns whar ye wonta scream but nuthin will cum outta yer mouth.could be thays a lank between whut i am a'feelin (helpless, hopeless, deepressd) n them dreams.
whenever i figgerd thay wudnt no way to talk em outta buryin me, i deecided i wood settle fer em rearrangin my bidy in the coffin to whar my hed wudnt jammd up agin the left hand corner, makin my hed hurt so bad i couldnt ritely see.
i woke up in a near panick with a terrbull hed ake in the same ole place. made it to the bottom of our loft stairs in time to vomit in the wastepaper bin.
In sudden darkness
We find ourselves at midday,
Looking to the sky,
The sun’s loving light dimmed by
A tiny moon of cold stone.
The full summer moon
Gradually fades, dimming
Like the ragged face
Of an old worker who slips
Into the cool shade to rest.
The big leaf of life,
Filled with holes for migraineurs,
Huge missing pieces
Of memories, histories,
Is precious for each cruel flaw.
Consider the oak,
Standing naked and upright,
Bending in the wind,
Freezing in icy snow, yet
Never a word of complaint.
The salamander,
Easily living both in
Water and on earth,
Unafraid of injury,
Proof of regeneration.
Behold wild salmon,
Swimming freely through wide seas,
Coming home to spawn
In death, feeding all others,
An orgy of sacrifice.
Humble mockingbird,
Merrily singing for all,
Master of music,
His own, that of other birds,
And even that of silence.
Still trying to heal
From traumatic wounds that left
Ugly, wicked scars,
Clues from which to reconstruct
The crimes that caged my spirit.
The prime of one’s life
Seems to stretch out lazily
Like a panting dog
On a summer afternoon;
Autumn winds blow all too soon.
It does not matter
That athletes should spend their lives
Seeking perfection,
Striving to become the best,
Yet failing ever to win.
Potential lies still
In her warm silent bed
While deadly struggle
Cruelly eliminates
All but one of her suitors.
habits: easy to make, hard to brakei try to cuntrol my habits as much as i kin, even trine to reeplace a badun with a goodun ever now n agin. mosly, i am stuck with my baduns (hard to brake) n try to keep my gooduns a'goin.
gooduns make ye, baduns brake ye
An endless snowfall —
The path grown slick and icy —
Till tired temptation
Whispers: relax, lie down!
Yet the wise old soul hikes on.
I get the feeling that Ezekiel might be "rurnt"rurnt? that lil un aint hardly rurnt lessn ye mean even more spoilt than that proverbyall rotten apple that sent the hole barrel down to ruinayshun! n ifn he aint rurnt yet, tiz only proof that we gut us sum wurk yet to be dun.
Any truth to that? :-)