Tuesday, May 16, 2006

pomes of buddy don: Or Would That Be Classified Too?

Would That Be Classified Too?

How many plots have we identified
How many bombings obstructed?
Were the plots local or were they worldwide?
And how many have we abducted
And jailed without true judicial review?
Or would that be classified too?

And how many terrorists have we bagged
In casting our nets so wide?
How many evil-doers have we snagged?
And were they indicted and finally tried
In courts, whether legal or kangaroo?
Or would that be classified too?

How has the Patriot act been abused
To target the presidents foes?
And how do we know if it's ever been used
To threaten those who oppose
Whatever the president wants to pursue?
Or would that be classified too?

Are our votes counted?
Our voices heard?
Do we even matter?
Or is it absurd
That we the people believe we do?
Or would that be classified too?

(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on the wurd 'link' below)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cannot comment due to an ongoing investigation ;-)