Monday, November 08, 2004

pinions of buddy don: who gits to pay them bills?

i saw a thang on the internets tuther day whar they ranked them blue states vs them redns on iq, witch ye mite coulda seen it yer ownself. folks has dun started attackin it, a'claimin it caint be so, but thays a passel of folks with thar own proofs fer why tiz so.

i caint solve thatn direckly, but ye gut to wunder which of them states is smarter, reds or blues. why? heres a list of how much they git back in fedrul expenditchurs fer each dollar of fedrul tax they pay. the list below is organized this away -- State (Exp/$1 for FY2002). ye kin read more bout it here. as ye kin see, them red states is makin out lack bandits, a'robbin them blue states of tax revenue lack nobidys bizness:
  1. North Dakota ($2.03)
  2. New Mexico ($1.89)
  3. Mississippi ($1.84)
  4. Alaska ($1.82)
  5. West Virginia ($1.74)
  6. Montana ($1.64)
  7. Alabama ($1.61)
  8. South Dakota ($1.59)
  9. Arkansas ($1.53)
  10. Hawaii ($1.52)
  11. Oklahoma ($1.47)
  12. Virginia ($1.47)
  13. Kentucky ($1.46)
  14. Lousiana ($1.44)
  15. Idaho ($1.34)
  16. Missouri ($1.32)
  17. South Carolina ($1.32)
  18. Maine ($1.31)
  19. Tennessee ($1.24)
  20. Iowa ($1.22)
  21. Arizona ($1.20)
  22. Maryland ($1.20)
  23. Nebraska ($1.19)
  24. Kansas ($1.14)
  25. Utah ($1.14)
  26. Vermont ($1.12)
  27. Pennsylvania ($1.08)
  28. North Carolina ($1.07)
  29. Rhode Island ($1.06)
  30. Wyoming ($1.05)
  31. Ohio ($1.02)
  32. Georgia ($1.01)
  33. Florida ($1.00)
  34. Oregon ($1.00)
  35. Indiana ($0.99)
  36. Texas ($0.92)
  37. Washington ($0.91)
  38. Michigan ($0.90)
  39. Delaware ($0.85)
  40. Wisconsin ($0.84)
  41. California ($0.81)
  42. New York ($0.81)
  43. Colorado ($0.79)
  44. Massachusetts ($0.79)
  45. Illinois ($0.77)
  46. Minnesota ($0.77)
  47. Nevada ($0.73)
  48. New Hampshire ($0.68)
  49. Connecticut ($0.64)
  50. New Jersey ($0.62)
member that ole communism thang bout 'from each according to his ability, to each according to his need'? looks lack we gut that plan a'goin fer our own states rite now! blues gut the ability to pay, reds gut the need fer the money. n the red states is mad bout taxes? whut more do they wont?

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