twas my intenshun to post a lil sumthin ever day sos i could git this blog a'goin agin, but thangs dont always go the way ye wont em to. so i wuz up at 12:30 yesterdy, trine to cunvints myself that i wudnt havin no migraine when i wuz. whut depresshun i felt over gittin sick agin. (when i have good daze, i caint imagin thays still bad daze a'cummin.)
then my blessed lil miz bd pointed out that with the weather we wuz a'havin, twuz a purrfeck day fer a migraine. i hadnt notissd durin the sufferin. soons she tole me whut the cawz wuz, i felt a hole lot better, even tho i wuz still in pain n nauseous.
so heres hopin fer a better day today. i count blessins ever sangle day n dont never git to the end of em. n i pray fer the folks i luv to cum thru thar struggles.
i am a'prayin fer my yunger bruther brew these daze, who hes in the hospitull recuverin frum open-hart surgry. i count it as a blessin that i kin talk to eem on the fone each n ever day, sumtimes a cuple times. whutever trubles i have ever had seem small whenever i look a whut other folks is puttin up with.
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