thay wuz a big birthdy party this weekend fer my great nefyew liam, witch twuz his secunt birthdy. turnt out that most everybidy cum, including ezekiel, so heres a few pitchers of them yunguns ...
heres the birthdy boy offerin a carrot to his Grandie...
here he is eatin one of his favert thangs, witch he calls em 'matoes' ...
mayhap this shirt wuz the birthdy boys favert new gift, witch he wuz showin it off rite away ...
corse, ezekiel wuz thar n doin all his latest tricks, witch he has dun larnt how to stand up long as he kin hold onto sumthin ...
he wuz also fassinated by the ceilin fan, witch he hattent never seen one befor...
Left a review for you over at Amazon.
Thanks for taking these! The birthday boy himself has been looking at the photos all morning.
Carrots and tomatoes! They are being raised right.
I hope you are teaching them how to correctly pronounce "tamaters"
thankee, anne, fer makin my year!
tiz a deelite that the lil one lacks them pitchers!
n buck, i hate to add mitt it, but this yungun mite grow up with a ... jersy accident, er, accent. but the hole fambly will be wurkin on makin shore he kin speak (or at lease understand) hillbilly.
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