Tuesday, June 07, 2005

pitchers tuck by buddy don: sprang walk

me n miz bd tuck a walk thru man hattan tuther day on our way to pick up my erbs. heres sum pitchers i tuck, only i figgerd to make yer page lode faster i wood only putt in lanks.

furst thang we seen wuz folks flirtin at the madison in hoboken.

they wuz flirtin over in washingto square park, only the feller in the blue shirt wuznt a'gittin no whar, witch purty soon that gurl in the red shirt found her a nuther place to sit.

thays other new york games to play.

ye probly dun herd bout plastick people in new york. heres a plastic wizard readin his book.

corse, ye herd bout plastick luvers, witch thays a'plenty to see.

sum folks lacks to read, even lyin down.

sum lacks to sit in the sun ...

... or have a bite to eat ...

... or jes a lil drank of water ...

thay wuz luvers a'spoonin in the grass.

thay wuz performers, lack this folksanger ...

... or this cuple of bikers ...

... n whar thays a show, thays folks n more folks to watch it.

i wuznt thonly one takin pitchers, witch these folks is plannin thar nextn.

finely, by poplar deemand, heres a pitcher of a squirrel.

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