In Solidarity with Congressman Green
15 hours ago
i am alive n as well as kin be eggspeckted ("i bin worse"), livin in the low desert out here in californy.twuz our hope that movin to the desert mite could hep, witch thays bin a few more good daze than we had in hoboken n a daze few thats bin as cruel n panefull n hard as inny we ever seen or herd tell of. suffice to say, the securty gard at the hospitull mergency room dun alreddy knows me. my hartfelt pallgies to ever one of my friens in new york fer not saying nuthin bout leavin, fer not sayin goodbye or so long or whutever. but i wuz sick so much that i never could git nuthin dun, see much of innybidy, n thay wudnt no way i could see all that wuz deservin. tiz my fervent hope to git well a nuff to keep up with life. time will tell.
I sit and ponder
In early morning twilight:
Hungry children, begging me:
How sad I may feed but one.
That God is All and Everything should be
As obvious as moonlight on the plains,
Or sunlight sparkling through the dewy leaves,
Or even just the smell of morning coffee --
Not as distant as coldly winking stars,
Nor as deadly as active volcanoes,
Nor as pristine as ponds of sacred lotus,
Nor as awe-full as the calculus of pi --
But closer than can be imagined,
As real as a dying honeybee’s sting;
For with All and Everything, God must be
Even simple sinners such as You and I;
For as flowers reflect sun and rain,
Every new born babe embodies God.
The whole wide world shrinks
Into a bubble of self
Only life or death
Only a question of when
Never the answer of why
the aura at dawn
its paisley pixilation
left half of the world
a cruelly kind precursor
low tide before tsunami
Vomiting migraine …
Psychotherapy later …
Yet Miss Liberty,
Our kittenish Bombay cat,
Claws my knee, begging to play